2001 Ford Windstar no brake pedal pressure
My 2001 Windstar brakes failed and the pedal went to the floor with no pressure. I pumped it up and got some pressure back. Turning the car off and then back on turns off the dash warning lights and the car drives and brakes normally for a short while, but then suddenly, no pressure again and the dash lights are lit. I nearly rear-ended a car at a traffic light, but the brakes engaged right down at the floor. While driving, it feels like the brakes are being applied a small amount whenever I take my foot off the gas, as though the parking is on slightly, though it is not. I immediately turned off the traction control, but made no difference. I checked the master cyclinder reservoir fluid level and it is good. After a short ride feeling this light resistance, as though the brakes were on, I felt for heat at each wheel and the two front wheels were super hot and smelling of cooking rubber, and the rear wheels were cool/normal. The dashboard warning lights for brakes and ABS are on, but have been for many months. The Ford service manager told us it was the ECM and HCU and would cost $2500 to repair. I am a limited shade tree mechanic and my excellent brother-in-law is a radiator repair tech and good source of help. He doesn't have a clue what it could be, but read that there is a device mounted under the battery that he thought might be worth a look and cleaning the electrical connections - as he has seen remedy other problems on Fords. I read online that the ABS system, the brake cruise control disconnect switch attached to the master cylinder can leak and the fluid can foul up the ECM and even cause a fire. I looked at the switch and it is clean and dry and the ECM under the drivers seat appears okay, but my vision was limited. I plan to got to an parts store and ask them to read the codes for me, but I wondered what you might suggest first, hoping you have had experience with these problems. Thanks!
Re: 2001 Ford Windstar no brake pedal pressure
The front brakes being hot is the reason the brakes sometimes work and other times not. Hot brakes cannot stop a vehicle. Sounds like you do either have an ECU problem like the dealer said, a bad master cylinder or deteriorated front brake hoses- this will cause the pressure to not release when you release the brake pedal and make them get very hot because they are dragging.
Re: 2001 Ford Windstar no brake pedal pressure
You should go to the repair shop and tell them that your ABS is not working.