Freon not staying in my AC unit for a 2002 malibu
Temp @fuel gauges not working and odometer@ speedometer not working and last not blowing heat or blower
Re: 2003 olds alero gauges not working
OK, these could all be related problems on your Olds Alero.
The gauge could be that the instrument cluster if faulty and needs to be replaced.
The heater not blowing could be the blower motor resistor, if your problem is no airflow. If you have airflow, then the heater control could be bad, or there is no coolant in the engine.
Or, you could have a bad ignition switch. This controls all of these circuits you mentioned, among many others.
The gauge could be that the instrument cluster if faulty and needs to be replaced.
The heater not blowing could be the blower motor resistor, if your problem is no airflow. If you have airflow, then the heater control could be bad, or there is no coolant in the engine.
Or, you could have a bad ignition switch. This controls all of these circuits you mentioned, among many others.
Saturn Vue Air HVAC not working fully working
My blower works on settings 1,2 and 3 in my Saturn Vue but no temperature change (Just blows warm or cool air). When I turn the setting to 4 the blower turns completely off. So far, checked the relay (good), checked fuses (all good), and replaced the resister. Any help is appreciated?
Freon not staying in my AC unit for a 2002 malibu
Hi I have a 2002 Chevy malibu. I'm the only owner never had any major problems till last month. My ac stopped blowing cold air. I took it in to get repaired and all was taken care of. 2 days ago the same problem. the mechanic checked it out and he said no leaks or problems so he refilled the freon again. Yesturday again stopped blowing cold air only hot. The mechanic looked at it again and said that the car was empty of all freon. He checked all the hoses again no leaks the air compressor and air conductor are not the problem they work great. But he cant understand how the freon is getting out all he said to take it to the chevy dealer cause he cant figure it out. What can be causing this or has anyone have this happen to them?
Re: Saturn Vue Air HVAC not working fully working
If the fuses, relay and resistor are good, then it sounds like the control panel is bad. Hard to say without a schematic and some testing, so that is just an educated guess.
Re: Freon not staying in my AC unit for a 2002 malibu
I hope the mechanic either used dye in the freon he put in to check for leaks or a freon sniffer. If so, and he still cannot5 find your freon leak, then the problem on your Chevy Malibu may be what is called the evaporator core. This part of the A/C system is inside the dash and you cannot look at it to look for leaks without removing some lower dash panels. Most shops will not do this as a the normal A/C leak checking because it is somewhat involved. Basically, if everything under the hood looks good and has no leaks, then the evaporator core is the last thing to check.
Re: Freon not staying in my AC unit for a 2002 malibu
Thank you so much. The mechanic did put in the dye and sniffer but no leaks anywhere. I will have the dealer check that out and once again thank you.