Serpentine Belt For 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix
2006 grand prix 3.8 V6 at cold startup theres a clattering coming from oil pan area when warms up it stops?
Re: Clattering noise on 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix
The noise in your engine could be a couple of things. First, check and make sure the oil level is full. Change the oil if it is very dirty or contaminated. If contaminated, it would look milky. This is the sign of an internal coolant leak. The upper intake manifold on the 3800 engine is common to leak internally.
If that all seems ok, you may just have what is called piston slap. This is a from worn piston rings. If the noise goes away after a few minutes, then this is something you are going to have to live with, or have the engine removed and rebuilt.
If that all seems ok, you may just have what is called piston slap. This is a from worn piston rings. If the noise goes away after a few minutes, then this is something you are going to have to live with, or have the engine removed and rebuilt.
why is my engine ticking after drowning it out
What would be the ticking noise in my engine after I drowned my truck out in water
Re: why is my engine ticking after drowning it out
If you mean you went through a large puddle or something like that, the engine could have sucked up water. Check your oil level. If it is overfull or sort of milky, there is water in it and it needs to be changed right away before more engine damage is done. If you wont through deep water and the engine stalled, it could have sucked water into the cylinders and bent something internally- like a rod.
Serpentine Belt For 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix
I need a diagram for a Serpentine Belt for a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix V6 with AC (no super charge/turbo). The only ones I have found on the internet are for the super charge
Re: Serpentine Belt For 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix
I think this is the picture of the 3800 serpentine belt routing you are looking for.