Dodge Nitro heater problems
2009 dodge nitro v6 cooling system has been flushed and new t-stat installed. engine at operating temp and heat control set to max heat, air temp at vent is only 80 degrees. When control knob is turned to cold the air temp will drop to 40-50 BUT when turned back to heat the air temp will slowly move back up to 80 and no higher. heater hoses at firewall are hot and the heater core tubes are also hot. could the problem be the actuator/ blending door inside of the heater box assembly?
Re: Dodge Nitro heater problems
Yes, it could be the blend door causing your lack of heat at the vents. When working properly, the heater core hoses should be hot on one side- the inlet, and cooler on the other- outlet. That is because the fan blowing air across the heater core takes heat away from the coolant- so the outlet hose should be cooler.
If they are both hot, then either the heater core is plugged or the blend door is not moving far enough to allow enough air to travel over the core. The first thing i would do is backflush the core.
Or you can remove the blend door actuator and move the door by hand to full hot and see if that gives you full heat. If so, the actuator is bot going full travel.
If they are both hot, then either the heater core is plugged or the blend door is not moving far enough to allow enough air to travel over the core. The first thing i would do is backflush the core.
Or you can remove the blend door actuator and move the door by hand to full hot and see if that gives you full heat. If so, the actuator is bot going full travel.
Heater not working
I have a 2010 Dodge Nitro, the heater core is not working and leaking, can I disconnect the hoses going into the heater at the firewall and reconnect them together to complete the loop without damage to anything?
Re: Heater not working
Yes, you connect the hoses together and this will not cause any damage to the engine. But, of course you will not have any heat from the vents in your Dodge Nitro.